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Ever since I got on a plane to Washington state back in 2018 & took what I consider the ultimate leap of faith, the pressure on me has toned down a little. What I mean by that, is when you give up your entire life you’ve ever known, throw away most of your things, and sell your car to get on a plane to go work for strangers with no back up plan, it’ll teach you something. 

Fast forward two years when I got laid off due to COVID back in March, my first words were “I didn’t get on that plane to be scared now… I didn’t come this far, and remain held in His hands to only freak out at the first sight of change”.

& so that’s been my mindset throughout the past few months… well, at least on the good days that is. I won’t lie, it’s been really hard. & it’s been rough, this whole quarantine, losing my job, moving across the country thing.. all while still battling my own brain and the normal heartaches that come with the life I live.

But He is still good. And He is still moving… even in the pause, and the uncomfortable parts, He’s working. Obeying the Lord when His command is to be still is MUCH easier said than done. Personally not having a material place to call home, or a plan for the future with little money in your bank account is seriously hard. 

I remember laying in my bed back sometime in 2017, during the darkest part of my life, praying, “Lord, I’ll go anywhere. Just send me… please” After reading the verse Isaiah 6:8 that states, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying: Who should I send? Who will go for Us? I said: Here I am. Send me.”

And God said, okay Kristin… go. 

So when He audibly told me to apply for the World Race back in July, which was only a few days until the application deadline, my initial reaction was, “okay Lord, whatever you say.” It’s not by my own doing. It’s not by my own desire or my own plan. It’s whatever He tells me to do. It’s wherever HE says to go. 

So that’s my answer as to why. I literally have no idea. I can’t say I’ve always dreamed of going into missions, and I can’t say that going out of the country has something I’ve always felt called to. But I have a calling to follow Him, regardless of my past, regardless of my future, and regardless of my comfort level. I have a calling to travel with this organization and further the kingdom for the next year, and I couldn’t be more excited. 

So join me on my journey, keep up with my blogs, and follow along to see what incredible things the Lord will be doing during this next year… I’m more than ready! 

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