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Guat Chapter 1: “I hate it here”
These are my unfortunate first thoughts as we got to the ministry sight in Guatemala. I miss America where there’s service, wifi, and where the majority of people speak the same language as I do. I miss the ability to call my 10 month old niece daily, and the ability to talk to a stranger and make casual conversation as we pass by. I miss interactions that don’t make my head hurt… I guess I should’ve paid more attention to my high school spanish teacher… I also miss flushing toilet paper, and not having to fish it out of my pee at 3am because my habits aren’t quite accustomed yet. (Within two days of being here I was up to 6x that I’ve had to pull a “fish it out” maneuver.)
I had my second I hate it here moment yesterday while I was sitting on the roof overlooking the city, bawling my eyes out… “I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask to travel internationally or become a missionary”. I was literally beyond content in the states, and had an agreement with Jesus to stay there that I guess He forgot about.
It’s not the people, it’s not the culture, it’s not the ministry.. it’s the comfort. I’m not comfortable like I used to be. Mentally or physically. My bed is bound to give me scoliosis, there’s no couch to nap on, and even some doors on the base I have to crouch down because they’re so little and short.
& as I’m snotting on the roof, Jesus says… “yeah, that’s the point Kristin, to strip you of all your comfort so you’ll have to only rely on me for more than just your next move.”
& to which I say… yikes.
tune in within the next few days to see how this conversation plays out… oh, and pray for me, will ya?

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